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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I repair my roof or do I need a professional roofer?
    We recommend a good, honest evaluation. Things to consider: How old are the roofing shingles? How long will a repair last? What is my budget? Will a new roof help increase the value of my house? We are always willing to answer questions.
  • What is the life-span of a roof?
    Depending on the grade and type of material, one should expect a minimum of 15-18 years. With premium products 20-25 years. Our climate and weather patterns are very tough on building materials. The single biggest factor in getting the longest life-span, however, is the installation process – Do it rIght.
  • Why is my roof stained/changing colors?
    The Chattanooga area has an abundance of moisture and vegetation, pollen, algae and shade which can cause staining, while direct sunlight will fade roofing over time. We always purchase roofing shingles that have an “AR” (algae resistance) product in them (developed in our tri-state area, rumor has it).
  • What type of roofing should I buy?
    There is a lot to consider here. Will a metal roof look out of place? Is your roof shallow or steep? (some products will not work well on shallow roof pitches) Am I keeping the home long-term? What is my budget? Again, call us and we can help walk you through it.
  • How can I tell if my roof is installed correctly?
    1. All workmanship must meet the manufacturers specifications for spacing and nailing (it’s not rocket science, the info is printed on every package of roofing and available online) 2. Flashing: water runs down hill and down wind. You must provide a means for the roof to accommodate interruptions from walls, chimneys, skylights etc. 3. Does your home require special attention? Is it on a bluff? Surrounded by trees? Have an odd tie-in? Have dormers, slow drainage or castle tower? Special applications require much more than “a lot of sealer”.
  • Will my insurance company pay for my roof?
    Every Insurance Companies are different and most policies have differences too. Hs their been a major hail storm, extremely high winds or a tree falling on your house? It’s worth a phone call, but be aware that most companies count the number of claims and an cancel you policy if they view you as a “risk”. Make sure it’s worth it.
  • Can I roof over the old shingles without tearing them off?
    You can, but you shouldn’t. The weight, heat build up and potential for reduced life-span are deal-breakers. Besides, it’s way more expensive to tear off two layers in the future.
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